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24/7 Medical Doctor Consultations for just Rs.199/- (excluding tax) per month.

BIMA Doctor is an established mobile-delivered healthcare model provided by BIMA Services Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of BIMAMilvik, UK. We offer a range of health programs and unlimited access to qualified doctors. Our services make a huge difference to the lives of people across the world.
24/7 Medical Doctor Consultations for you and your family members at Rs.199/- (excluding tax) per month
The range of benefits are:

24x7 Access to a Doctor for the employee and their family members

Industry-standard health guidelines via SMS and Calls

Ability to discuss health issues confidentially

Follow-up calls by our doctors after the initial consultation

Schedule appointments at your convenience

Maintain a digital health record for you and your family

Free COVID consultation

Islandwide medicine delivery

Access to the Mobile Lab (Colombo and suburbs)

Digital loyalty cards are provided with discounts at partner institutions (Hospitals, Pharmacies, Labs and Lifestyle Partners)

Access to over 150 hospitals and over 4000 specialists with a 15% discount on consultation bookings made via via Doc990
We partner with Doc990, operated by Digital Health Private Limited, in Sri Lanka, a pioneer in digital health solutions. They offer medical services to subscribers from the convenience of their mobile phones and website. Digital Health Private Limited is a subsidiary of Sri Lanka’s premier connectivity provider, Dialog Axiata PLC, has its footprint as the digital platform enabler at leading private hospitals. (www.doc.lk)
Please contact on 1343 for more information
BIMA Doctors

Dr. K.A.H.L Fernando
Chief Medical Officer-BIMA Doctor
MBBS (SL), MBA (Health Administration)
SLMC REG NO: 39953

Vidya Jyothi Professor Vajira H.W. Dissanayake
Advisor-BIMA Doctor,
MBBS(Colombo), PhD.(Nottingham), FNASSL, FIAHSIDean,
Chair & Senior Professor of Anatomy Department of Anatomy, Genetics & Biomedical Informatics Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
MBBS - 31169
Dr. P. A. S. R. Pathiratne
MBBS (Peradeniya), MCGP (SL), MRCGP (INT) Part 1, DHA, MBA (Reading) - 28245
BIMA Nurses
Thakshila Jayarathna
Assistant Operation Manager -BIMA mHealth
Dip in Nursing Nursing - 3yr Completed.( Nawaloka School of nursing )
10yr working experience as a staff nurse G ll , with Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) Nawaloka Hospital - NMC 584
Dip. Primary Education & Child Psychology
Dip In General Counselling & Psychology
Certificate of Effective Parenting Technique
Anuradha Wickramaarachchi
Nursing training at Nawaloka School of nursing (NTS) - NMC 1299, 10yr working experience as a staff nurse G ll at Nawaloka hospital colombo 2, 2 years with cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), 6 years with kidney transplant unit (KTU), PHSRC - NNT/NAITA/0831